Tuesday, February 05, 2008

In the meantime however...

Don't get me wrong, I support the WGA- but you can't write late night TV this great:

PS: I have made it to temporary Word Sandwich glory:

Today´s top five
rank name city score date quickest avg
1 terrio Hayward 13402 2/5/2008 6 10.2
2 Liz Toronto 12582 2/5/2008 7 11.4
3 peter hartford 12396 2/5/2008 10 12.4
4 Vainamoinen Kalevala 12264 2/5/2008 11 12.6
5 smilla seattle 12216 2/5/2008 8 12

indicently not my best score, but my best record of the day... what the hell time is it?

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