No not for more internet money. For more internet.
I am getting really sick of being blocked out of videos. And internet radio. But more so internet videos. I'm not even allowed to go to, because I might accidently view the Daily Show for free. Because I totally can't do that otherwise on CTV. Now I have to go to the crappy Comedy Network site, which will let me "watch full episodes", if I don't mind getting cut off every 10 seconds for them to buffer. I also deeply miss Pandora Internet radio, which is apparently banned in Canada. I can only assume that this is because it's a bad thing for me to get introduced to bands like Broken Social Scene.
I would complain, but seriously... on whose authority were these bans put in place? Nobody owns the internet. Well, except Google. It's probably Google's fault.
I suppose if I can't get more internet, I'll settle for a gift certificates to Bennigans.