Friday, July 31, 2009

I've been thinking and here's what I drink!

Is it wrong that my favourite part of the video comes at 2:36? Probably. But no more than it is wrong that I'm angry at Chrome for trying to correct my spelling of "favourite". Take that damn yankees!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Busted T

My first ever semi-professional T-Shirt design is complete! These are my brand-new staff T-Shirts for ErinOak Kids Respite Camp!

Yes the childish looking doodles are intentional.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Full band. Full awesome.

Speaking of going to see concerts for free:

Friday, July 10, 2009

All Points West

Don't mind the shameless advertising. I'm just trying to get free tickets.

This blog doesn't have enough artistic integrity to sell out.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Could this be the end of big sun glasses being cool?

Borrowed from CollegeHumor:


Blue = Age
Green = Perceived beauty
Red = Actual beauty
Pink = Chances you're hiding a black eye
Purple = How much of an a**hole you are
Orange = Chances your name is Bozo

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Better late than never

Actually it seems a little appropriate that this would be a day late...

Don't Blink!

This is borderline embarrassing. The commercial that I was in for Tourism Hamilton is up online. You will have to be really fast on this one. When the sing finished "let it shine..." I will briefly appear at the right hand side of your screen. You can't really make out my face, and I'm not entirely convinced that isn't deliberate. Either way if you want to see my 15 milliseconds of Hamiltonian fame head on over to Tourism Hamilton.

And no I don't know what that song has to do with Hamilton tourism.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Dance your cares away...

Speaking of unbridled joy. My parents cleaned out the attic yesterday, and guess what they found?!




Fraggle Rock!

Scott: You want to write some more of our script?
Me: Sure, just let me run up stairs. I'm going to go take a picture of my Fraggles to put up on my blog.
Scott:... you probably should have just ended that at "just let me run upstairs".

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Dr. Horrible to Host the Emmy Awards!


Neil Patrick Harris is going to host the Emmy Awards this year!