Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I can't even believe I'm doing this...

I have decided to start a blog to talk about the meaningless trivial events of my daily life. I actually see this as a positive step towards not boring my friends, family, boyfriend, co-workers, fellow student and people I meet randomly on the bus with these stories. Now I can bore the cyber world!

The advantage to boring the cyber world is that I don't really feel as guilty. The disadvantage is that when I tell my stories online no one can see the expressions on my face or hear the tone in my voice which is aparently the highlight of my story telling. I have been described as being "a little dramatic". I have the capacity to turn a relatively simplistic thing into a rather lengthly and involved tale. As my brother would say "So basically you scratched your hand?".

To the two people who I'm sure will not let me hear the end of this after I berated them for their geekiness at having blogs- please be certain, although I can no longer mock you for your blog-nerdom I will still find other ways to mock you both... for instance (J) for your disturbing knowledge of Star Trek (A) for your nick name in first year university, due to your resemblence to a WB character... just for starters :)

Anyways, that's all for now!


Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...


Liz said...

You know at least I made real comments on your page...