Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Bill Sanders once told me "I was born and grew up in Toronto, so I can only stand to be there for about 10 minutes". I replied "Bill I'm from Hamilton, try 5 minutes".

Hating Toronto. It's as much part of being born in Hamilton as childhood asthma, an inability to play football, and the desire for a hockey team we won't actually pay money to watch play. But I of course have a deep down envy of a city where if you miss one bus there is another one right around the corner and where a 24 hour business isn't limited to Walmart or a porno theatre. And of course a place which nourishes artists, musicians, actors and film-makers. Not to mention has concerts, festivals, museums, and live theatre to make any mildly cultured person just a little excited.

So here I am. A big city girl. I've been a city girl, a country girl, a northerner, and a Peterboroughian (which really has its own special classification), and now I am a Torontonian.


Anonymous said...

cute place!

heeeey... is that my copy of hitchikers guide to the galaxy?? :-P

I still have your Dr. Strangelove and "I heart Huckabees", btw!

Liz said...

Let's have a contest. Whoever can spot their belongings in the pictures of my apartments may actually get them back someday.

Scott, the futon does not count.

Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Wow, is that place really in Toronto? it's capital N Nice! I had been led to believe that there would be rats and squatters!

Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

p.s. "Slaughterhouse 5" and the picture of Amanda Palmer on your computer in the 2nd picture are mine!

Anonymous said...

I think that's MY apartment in both the pics...

I will come visit as soon as my school problems settle down...
You'd think I was in Laurentian all over again.

Hope all is well with you Lib!