Sunday, July 05, 2009

Don't Blink!

This is borderline embarrassing. The commercial that I was in for Tourism Hamilton is up online. You will have to be really fast on this one. When the sing finished "let it shine..." I will briefly appear at the right hand side of your screen. You can't really make out my face, and I'm not entirely convinced that isn't deliberate. Either way if you want to see my 15 milliseconds of Hamiltonian fame head on over to Tourism Hamilton.

And no I don't know what that song has to do with Hamilton tourism.


Unknown said...

Maybe you can use this as a launching board to join the Board of Shadowy Figures!

Liz said...

Little do they know, I have my own plans for the clones... plans that don't include the Board of Shadowy Figures!

Unknown said...

You're talking at a normal indoor speaking voice.

Liz said...

So I am.

*whispers* little do they know...