Monday, March 26, 2007

What am I doing?

Seriously. What am I doing with my life? If I get hit by a train tomorrow what will I have accomplished? Today I dealt with this woman complaining to me that at 80,000 HBC points for a $10 gift card at Zellers it "Isn't worht it". Isn't worth what? Pulling a card out of your damn wallet when you buy something? Shopping a huge cheap discount store and getting free crap for doing so? I mean I know it's made out to be more phenominal than it is, but the points are effing FREE people, what do you expect?! At 10 points you get a $50 gift card, congradulations we're out of business. Like what other place are you getting such sensational points from? Canadian Tire money? Airmiles?

You know what's "not worth it"? $8.25/hour to listen to you bitch about how your points aren't worth enough.

If I don't get into Grad school don't be surprised if my next production is "The Assasination and Persecution of Jean Paul Marat as performed by the inmates of the Assylum at Charenton under the direction of Liz Buchanan".


Anonymous said...

"Today I dealt with this woman complaining to me that at 80,000 HBC points for a $10 gift card at Zellers it "Isn't worht it"."

Next time, say "Oh, I'm very sorry - I'll give you one of our $100 gift cards instead." Then start searching your pockets for what exactly what she deserves - one of these...

Surely that gesture is part of the "high five"...

Anonymous said...

err... "Then start searching your pockets for what exactly what she deserves"

me fail english?

Liz said...

:p I wasn't even... well yeah.

No worries, I got the idea. I appreciate the gesture- pardon the pun.