Sunday, November 27, 2005


I told my mother that I was posting random Christmas moments all the way up to the 25th of December and she said that it was "kind of like an Advent Calendar... with out the chocolates".

As mentioned in a recent post, a month before Christmas when I was in grade 11 a friend of mine passed away from a battle with cancer. Two days later my Grandma's dog, who I was very attached to, also died from a cancerous tumor. My grandma's dog was named Red (after the Fraggle) and had been her only companion at her home for 10 years. The holiday season was off to terrible start, but a few days later my Mom and I came up with an idea to help my Grandma. We bought her a dog for Christmas. My mom brought the puppy home and got me to look after it for an afternoon while she was out. I sat cuddled up with this tiny puppy watching Christmas specials for hours, and I remember thinking how amazing it was. Here was this new life resting on my chest (I could feel her heart beat). She had come into the world just as others had left. I don't know if can really explain it... I can't really do the feeling justice.
Her name is Holly, and I still try to steal her and bring her back up to Sudbury when my family isn't looking.

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