Monday, November 28, 2005

Now is the winter of your discontent!

Taking a quick study break to post.

I was thinking about not studying for Shakespeare at all. I just got my last Theatre History test back. I didn't start studying for this thing until an hour before the test, and I finished writing before almost anyone else in the class. I got 85%, and there is no way that I can possibly justify this as a mark. I think Ian might have been high when he marked these.

At any rate, here is story the third:

At three years old my ability to memorize large quantities of useless information, was quite possibly even more powerful. My mother recorded me reciting "T'was the Night Before Christmas" at this tender age. Now I'm sure this will come as a great shock to everyone reading this, but as a child I was a little hyperactive, and (to say the least) a touch dramatic. I ran around my house acting out the poem and putting every colour of the vocal spectrum into the words (not knowing what at least half of them meant I'm sure). Not a Christmas goes by that we don't have to listen to the tape of my performance- A Christmas tradition that will haunt me the rest of my life, but that I can't help but be a little proud of ;)

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